Stolen Lyrics, Music in Charts, Fresh Podcast & More!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're all staying healthy, keeping busy and creating cool things!

The rains are definitely here! Remember you can always back your car up to either studio roller door to unload/drop off your gear - we don't want anyone's lovely stuff getting wet and damaged!

A quick reminder to everyone that our booking system is all online now! Simply head to our website for all future rehearsal bookings.
Remember, if we are ever full for any session, you can always add yourself to our Waiting List! We monitor this closely for cancelations and will notify you ASAP if your preferred time becomes available!

First Kate Bush - Now Metallica!

What a wild few weeks for 80's artists hey? First we had Kate Bush sailing back into the top 100 of literally every country with her hit 'Running Up That Hill', thanks to a kind feature on the hit Netflix show Stranger Things. Now a similar thing has happened for the all timers Metallica with their tune Master of Puppets! Funnily enough when released, this song never cracked the top 100 in any country, and now you'd struggle to find somewhere where it isn't sitting in the charts! Pretty interesting to see the cultural overlap and influence the current movie streaming market has with music! Read more here

Stolen Ealges Lyrics Conspiracy?

Another wild story! I mean I love Eagles as much as the next guy, but this is all a bit much! Three men, including a curator for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, were charged on Tuesday over allegedly possessing a trove of stolen handwritten notes and lyrics by the Eagles’ co-founder and singer/drummer Don Henley, with the documents estimated to be worth more than $1 million.

Curator Craig Inciardi, Glenn Horowitz, and Edward Kosinski are all accused of being involved in a conspiracy that sought to peddle nearly 100 pages of Don Henley’s handwritten notes and lyrics from “Hotel California” and “Life in the Fast Lane” to potential buyers - originally stolen in the early 1970's from Henley by a music biographer, and sold to Inciardi in 2005. Read more here!

So lesson learned, if you're writing or have written lyrics to a hit tune, keep them under your pillow. Or do what I do, write them in your phone. Then they're worth nothing! 

No Aussies In The Radio Top 20!

The stats are in for the first half of the year! And our local artists haven't been so lucky, with no Australian artists making the top 20 most played of the year. Compared to having 4 in 2021 (Tones & I, The Kid Laroi, Vance Joy and Jolyon Petch), it's an interesting indicator of where Australian Pop music is at and also how Australian Radio receive it. Is radio still important for artists? Do you listen to the radio? So many questions!  To read the full list and more, check it out here!

I'd Hit That Podcast

You may have noticed a bit of a trend over the past few weeks, there's been a podcast for every member of the bands! We've had guitarists, bassists - now it's drums turn! Check out this killer podcast I've been a fan of for a long time, I'd Hit That - a podcast for drummers, by drummers, interviewing (you guessed it) drummers. But also some amazing session musicians! Some seriously good people in here, from Dave Elitch, Jim Keltner and Steve Ferrone to name a few, there's plenty here to dig in to! Check out this great episode with Thommy Price (Blue Oyster Cult, Joan Jett, Billy Idol)

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Keep doing your best to support local bands, businesses and artists
Stay healthy & safe and have a great weekend!


We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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