Hen House Price Rise, Sony Walkman Returns, RIP Sanity & more!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're all enjoying the summer and making most of whatever time off you might have!

2023 is gearing up to be a busy year, so there is no better time to fire up that group message with the band or your podcast/DJ mates, and get stuck back into your projects!

I've rounded up a fun few bits of music news, plus a real important message from us below, so scroll down to check it all out!

Price Rise From Feb 1!

If you're reading this mail out, then you are one of our absolute most valued customers! Taking the time out to read these means a lot to us, as we want to stay as committed to supporting and gaining feedback from the local creative community as possible.

What we do down here comes from the love of sparking inspiration and enjoyment, and to continue providing you with the best creative space possible, we will be raising our prices by $5 per hour/per room from February 1st 2023.
We hope to see you all soon!

The Sony Walkman Makes A Return

Could another form of analogue music be making a comeback? The Sony Walkman is now back - as a high res streaming player! The two new devices called the NW-ZX707 and the NW-A306, offer “evolutionary sound”, with music either streamed via Wi-Fi or downloaded to the devices. Powered by Sony’s Edge-AI, and DSEE Ultimate (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) which, the company claims, “accurately upscales compressed digital music files to higher quality”, the devices will sit for around $400-$800. I wonder if it will be worth it! Read more about it here

John Fogerty Can Play His Own Songs Again!

To cut an extremely long story short, Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman and songwriter John Fogerty has finally won a 50-year long legal battle to the rights to his own music again. After the band split, he was unable to access any rights or royalties to the music that he wrote and sung in that band. Fogerty was also famously sued for copyright for writing a song too similar to a CCR song (which he also wrote...) as he didn't own the rights - and until 2004 wasn't even allowed to play them live. Now, after throwing down an undisclosed amount of money, Fogerty has bought all of his masters from Concord Records. A super interesting tale if you'd like to read it here!

RIP Sanity Music!

It's a sad day for music in Australia, with the final frontier of music CD sales, Sanity, closing down across the country. Due to 'the inability to operate brick and mortar stores', the company will continue to serve customers through its online shop. Many of us would have had Sanity as our first memory of buying music (Sanity in Midland Gate for me!) and would spend hours scouring the CD's and listening to the new releases on the free headphones. Was an early 2000's institution! You can read more about the story of Sanity here. Vale a shopping centre great! 

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Hope you're either cruising back into work or still enjoying your break, either way stay safe!

We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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Room 1 Returns, Stolen Gear, Sold Songs & More! 


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