Room 1 Returns, Stolen Gear, Sold Songs & More! 

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're all doing your best to stay cool as we head into the hotter months! Luckily we have some freshly serviced aircons right here at the studio, hey?

It's been brilliant to see so many bands, DJs, podcasters and producers back at work so hard, so early in the year! No better time to crank up that creative passion.

Have a scroll down to check out some of the content I think you might enjoy this week!

Room 1 Returns!

There's probably not many of you out there that remember our humble Room 1, located in Studio 1 - a lovely room that hasn't been used by other bands in many moons! Leased out 8 years ago, the mighty room is now back and available for bands to use as a casual rehearsal room, so head to our website and lock in a jam - just in case there is some secret hits waiting in there for you!

Aus Band Has $100,000 of Gear Stolen

How's this for a blow of terrible luck - east coast heavy boys Thornhill had their rehearsal room broken into, with over $100,000 worth of gear stolen, including drums, cymbals, guitar equipment, IEM racks, merch, cases, banners and personal laptops. Right before an Australian tour supporting Architects! And with no camera footage due to a fire cutting off the electricity, the band has started a GoFundMe to recoup some of their costs. Remember to keep your gear insured, and safe! You can read more about it here

Justin Bieber Sells Entire Music Catalogue 

If you've been following these mailouts, you'd know there's been a tonne of musicians selling off their music catalogues, to various independent music firms, with artists including Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond, David Bowie, and Phil Collins to name a few. Well this week, Hipgnosis Songs Capital has purchased Justin Bieber's catalogue for a whopping 9 figure sum. Huge! Joining the rest of the othe musicians music owned by Hipgnosis, with Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado and Leonard Cohen, with the company apparently spending upwords of 400 million on catalogues so far. You can read more here!

Every Festival Planned for 2023!

It's finally that season again! With all shows back up and running at full capacity, comes the return of festivals! Maybe you're travelling around the country this year and want to catch some shows, or maybe you just want to see what's on in WA! Check out this great article here listing every festival that's going down in the country this year, including Laneway, For The Love, Roam and Summarsalt to name a few!

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Hope you're either cruising back into work or still enjoying your break, either way stay safe!

We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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