GNR & 5SOS Rehearse, 12th Birthday Party, Drum Day Wrap & More!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, welcoming you to the last month of 2022!

It's been a few weeks since I've touched base with you all, and what a busy few weeks it was! We had the big man Rob back in town for a couple of weeks so hopefully you got a break from me and got to say g'day to him. We've also had a bunch happening at the studios - so scroll on down to check it all out!

Remember, if we are ever full for any session, you can always add yourself to our Waiting List! It's getting busy close to Christmas, so don't miss out on your favourite room and night!

Guns N Roses, 5SOS & Ziggy Alberts come to Hen House!

We're always lucky to have such amazing local bands in, but even luckier sometimes to have some killer international and national bands roll through! Ahead of a huge night at RAC Arena, Duff & Frankie of Guns n Roses dropped by for a couple days of warming up, while a few days later our new mate Ziggy Alberts was getting ready ahead of a huge support with Jack Johnson at Kings Park! Then possibly the biggest load-in and production of all time - 5 Seconds of Summer dropped by for a huge rehearsal ahead of their show at HBF Stadium! You never know who might drop in next...

Hen House 12th Birthday Party - Wrapped!

An absolutely massive thank you to anyone who came down to our 12th Birthday Party! What an incredibly fun night. There was plenty of good vibes going around, so thanks to all our amazing friends who made the night. Some other huge thanks go to Steezburger for providing the amazing eats, Feral and Black Tears for the beverages and our two bands The Wedges and Remission for playing a couple of killer sets! And lastly - the crown jewel of the evening, an amazing set by DJ Mizhap which blew us away! Thank you all once again for making the Hen House what it is!

Perth Drummers Day - We Got Loud!

You may have seen (or possibly even heard!) we had the annual Perth Drummers Day at the studio recently, and it was a cracker of a time! An amazing BBQ by Daz as alway, great vibes, lots of great drummers (of course!) and a fantastic masterclass by Chris Travaglini! A huge thanks to the Perth Drummers Association for all the great work they do for the tub hitters of WA!

New Backline At The Studios!

It's always nice to grab some new gear for the studio, and since we introduced the new Pearl Crystal Beat kit, it's been a quiet front! Well this one is for the guitarists, a brand new head for you to hire! Maybe you've lost your transport or you just wanna get that great Orange sound, you can now hire out our Orange Super Crush 100 head! Finally something that will get you heard over the drummer!

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Keep doing your best to support local bands, businesses and artists!
Stay healthy & safe and have a great weekend


We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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