DJ Podcasts, TikTok vs Aus, Max Martin & more!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're all back to your hustles this year and trying to squeeze in as much creativity as you can!

We've had a wild couple of weeks here at the studio, and it's shaping up to be an exciting 2023! Be sure to always keep us up to date with what you're up to - whether its a new single, tour, podcast, or video - be sure to send to us so we can share your amazing work!

Scroll below to check out some interesting stuff I've rounded up for you this week,

TikTok Removes Major Label Music in Aus

If you're an avid TikTok user, you may have noticed that there has been a lot of silent videos recently! This is due to TikTok's ongoing negotiations with various major labels with regards to royalties and ad revenue. What the company has done is used Australia as an 'experiment' (rude!) to try and prove that the removal of major label music won’t have a profound effect on the engagement of users on the service, opening up a conversation about the true monetary value of music licensing. The results of this experiment will be used in the company's next round of label negotiations. Read more about it here!

Breaking Down the Music of Max Martin

You may have noticed by now, but I'm a HUGE Max Martin fan. Third to John Lennon and Paul McCartney, Martin has the record for the 3rd highest number of U.S hits (Britney Spears, Katy Perry, The Weeknd just to name an extremely small fraction). Well, someone with a PhD in Music has taken the time to really breakdown his music and how it is written! Max Martin’s use of various songwriting techniques, from creating melodic previews of hooks to building infectious climaxes, form an overarching approach to writing songs known in the songwriting community as ‘Melodic Math’. You can read more about it here! But if you're just getting started, check out this podcast with the man himself - you can listen to it here!

Off The Record - A Podcast for DJ's!

Here's one for all our DJ mates out there! A super handy podcast covering all aspects of the DJ game, from gear updates, tutorials, interviews with promoters, managers and heaps more - you'll definitely find something here to take you to the next level. Check it out here! This episode should get you started, covering the importance of branding and marketing for DJs.

Host Your Next Birthday at The Hen House!

You may not know it, but Saturday nights our humble music space turns in to a lively events space! Whether you've got a bucks, hens, birthday or any sort of celebration - we can help! Spots are filling up quick for the year, so if you're looking for a unique spot to impress your mates this year, get in touch! More info can be found on our website which you can check out here

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Stay safe and have a lovely ol' weekend, 

We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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