Shows In Perth Tonight, Which DAW is Best, Arts Income & More!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're all getting ready to close out those last few months of the year before the new year!

There's a bunch of shows on this weekend, some interesting music news, and some good info for studio producers, DJ's and Podcasters for recording using a DAW, so scroll down to check it all out!

Remember, if we are ever full for any session, you can always add yourself to our Waiting List! We monitor this closely for cancelations and will notify you ASAP if your preferred time becomes available!

Ireland Trials Basic Income For Artists

What a score for people in the arts in Ireland!
A total of 2,000 musicians, painters and writers in Ireland are set to receive a weekly basic income of €325 ($500aus) per week under a new three year-scheme to be piloted by Ireland’s government. The Basic Income for the Arts scheme will support 707 visual artists, 584 musicians, 204 artists working in film, 184 writers, 173 theater actors and artists, 32 dancers and choreographers, 13 circus artists and 10 architects. Hopefully this starts setting more of an example to other countries! You can read more here!

Big Night of Shows This Friday!

It's all happening tonight 16th of September thats for sure! We have a bunch of fantastic shows in Perth tonight, so there's bound to be at least one you'd wanna get to! Our good are mates Dice have been working hard here for a week for a sold out Indi Bar, the legends in Ghost Care are launching a new tune at Badlands, Idle Eyes are throwing down a new EP at Amps, and hometown hero Noah Dillon is putting on a Rosemount party! Hit the links above to check out the show info for all bands!

Taylor Swift Copyright Infringement Case

More copyright trials! You know I'm a sucker for this kind of news! Taylor Swift will face trial (again) in January after a judge dismissed her request to dismiss a copyright infringement lawsuit, following a copyright infringement case being lodged against her alleging similarities between her song Shake It Off and Playas Gon' Play by 3LW. It's always interesting to see how these things play out - with so little money going around these days, will we see more of these in the future? Or will laws change to keep these cases from constantly happening? Who knows! You can read more here

Which DAW Is Best For You?

If you're wanting to record anything on your laptop or computer, it can sometimes feel like a bit of a daunting process! PC or Mac? Maybe you want to edit your podcast, or recording your DJ set, make some beats, or record your friends band! There are so many DAW's (Digital Audio Workstations) to choose from, each having their own strength for these different applications. I found a great article which will help you get started, check it out here!

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Keep doing your best to support local bands, businesses and artists
Stay healthy & safe and have a great weekend!


We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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