WA Guitar Fest, Local Podcasts, Royalty Guides & More!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're all knuckling down on your respective creative projects for this second half of the year!

It feels like theres about 10 amazing shows on every week here in Perth, everyone is out there launching singles, videos, EP's, Albums and god knows what else - so no better time to sus out what Perth bands have on offer!

Remember, if we are ever full for any session, you can always add yourself to our Waiting List! We monitor this closely for cancelations and will notify you ASAP if your preferred time becomes available!

Capitol signs, drops AI Rapper 'FN Meka'

Probably the quickest signing and dropping of an artist of all time! Although not really an artist...
Digital Artist 'FN Meka' has amassed over 10 million followers on TikTok, and was created by a 'Virtual Record Company' as an AI Rapper, with co-founder Anthony Martini stating - 
 “We’ve developed a proprietary AI technology that analyses certain popular songs of a specified genre and generates recommendations for the various elements of song construction: lyrical content, chords, melody, tempo, sounds, etc. We then combine these elements to create the song. As of now, a human voice performs the vocals, but we are working towards the ability to have a computer come up with and perform its own words — and even collaborate with other computers as ‘co-writers’,”.
However due to the cultural insensitivity of such an artist, especially with perpetrating stereotypes of the African American community, Capitol severed their ties with the 'act'. Is this the beginning of AI artists? Probably not. Is it interesting to read about?!  Find out here.

Strings Attached - The WA Guitar Festival!

This ones for all the 6 string gurus! Strings Attached is back for its third year this October 7-9, with a huge program of live performances, workshops, masterclasses and Q&A's from over 70 artists, exhibitions for guitar players, makers and enthusiasts. Showcasing many of Australia's most talented guitarists and luthiers, Strings Attached 2022 is an incredible opportunity for music lovers and players alike to immerse themselves in all things strings - offering live performances, demos, workshops, masterclasses, and much more! You can read more here!

How Does Music Publishing Work?

Music publishing can always feel a little over complicated or hard to grasp, I even find myself having to continuously read up on updates, changes, and just to learn more! It can be hard to remember everything, so thankfully someone has stepped in! Music Marketers 'Curve Royalty Systems' have created a free, downloadable guide called 'Royalties 101', covering the basics of copyright, performance/mechanical/online royalties, syncs, and much more! It's all free, and it never hurts to know more about how to scrape together all your money - so check it out here

Uncharted Artistry and The Inner Workings  - Two Perth Music Podcasts!

Thought I'd shine a little light on a couple of great local podcasts, especially because they are both Perth music focused! Uncharted Artistry explores the Perth music scene through in-depth yarns with some of Perth's most influential in the arts and entertainment scene, including artists, promotors, engineers, bar tenders. door people and many more cogs that help make our industry run. There's also The Inner Workings - where JCAL (Producer/Manager) and Ash Maz (Honeycutt Events) take you through the inner workings of Perth's underground music scene, exposing and interviewing up-and-comings acts, along with shining a light on all aspects of the Perth creative scene and events. Give the locals some love!

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Keep doing your best to support local bands, businesses and artists
Stay healthy & safe and have a great weekend!


We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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Bandcamp Fridays, In The Pines, Guitar Maintenance & More!


New Perth Tunes, Luthier Podcasts, Backing Track Set-Up & More!